Poetic Inspiration from the Ordinary

Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual.

-- Edward Weston




     For this body of work, I draw on my background in painting and classical music to create artworks full of mystery and romanticism. I approach a variety of subjects, all having one characteristic in common. They are usually examples of what too often goes unnoticed. By applying a poetic style, I create intense self-expressive images luring viewers to slow down and take the time to appreciate often-missed beauty in their busy lives. With an almost self-portraiture approach, I unveil the mysteries of nature. By means of conceptual collages and cinematic effects, I challenge long-held assumptions of what photography means to us. Rather than presenting stark reality, I prefer to fabricate an illusion to let viewers explore the limits of their imagination.

My work never comes directly from the camera in a recognizable form. It appears as lyric compositions in which dream and reality meet, past and present have no meaning, and the stories they tell are left unfinished. Imagination and self-inspection always play a key role. I create work through personal therapeutic processes that imprint inner unresolved feelings into abstract representations of reality.











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  • Gary Lopez on

    Some of your best work. Your skill has reached a point of sophistication that you can visually represent the emotions that you are striving to share.

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